No 1 (2018)

Full Issue

Pedagogical Sciences


Mulyzeva A.B.


The relevance of introduction of adolescents to the culture of their region is caused by the fundamental changes taking place in the modern society, the processes of globalization and regionalization. In this regard, new social and spiritual-moral requirements are now specified for the national educational system as well. The project method becomes especially effective within the modern educational environment. The main characteristics of this method are the activity planning, the analysis of the problem situation, the information search and understanding, the students’ individual work, and the succession of instructional methods and techniques.

The paper presents the main stages of work on the “Native motifs” project, the forms and methods of academic studies within the project, the stages and sequence of execution of learning activities on easel composition. The criteria for diagnostics of composition skills of the students are shown.

The project method efficiency within the easel composition classes was studied in the Children’s Art School № 11 of Samara at the example of younger adolescents. The paper presents the results of diagnostics of composition skills of the students participated in the project. The results obtained allow monitoring the dynamics of growth of artistic and creative, composition and space, and coloristic knowledge and skills. The author gives the results of evaluation of knowledge of theoretical material on history and culture of the native land of the project participants. It is identified that when introducing younger adolescents to the culture of their small motherland, the growth of cognitive activity of the students, the increase of their interest in the history of the native land, the development of artistic and creative abilities of children are achieved. The project method demonstrated its efficiency when developing composition thinking in younger adolescents.  

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):7-11
pages 7-11 views


Murzykaeva E.O.


The paper covers the study of the upbringing and education of Tsesarevich Alexander Nikolayevich. The author considered the theoretical aspects of the educational and bringing-up process of the Grand Duke. The study used personal memories, letters, diaries, memoirs of the family of Alexander Nikolaevich and his teachers. In the past, the insufficient attention was paid to the training of heirs to the throne. At the new stage of development of historical science, it is necessary to return to the issue of the study of the system of education and upbringing of the heirs to the throne. In the context of the fall in the general level of higher education, the research is particularly relevant. The paper aimed at the study of the formation of the system of upbringing and education within the elite-pedagogical approach, the elite educational system in the history of XIX century. The author traces the stages of training of the heir to the throne and pays special attention to the characteristic features in the upbringing of the Grand Duke. Particularly, the author highlights the moral component of the educational process. The role of the Emperor in the education of Alexander Nikolayevich is shown. The author considers the daily routine and the syllabus of the Grand Duke. Within the educational process, three stages of training are determined: a) teaching general disciplines, b) course of basic sciences, c) training focused on practical activities; characteristic features within each of these stages were specified. The author highlights the attention of teachers to the physical and creative development of the heir to the throne. The paper presents the pedagogical views of teachers, the closest to the heir to the throne, including the guidelines of Nikolay Pavlovich to the Grand Duke.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):12-17
pages 12-17 views


Shao H.


The relevance of the topic chosen for the research is primarily caused by the reforming and development of higher education system in the PRC as well as by the effort of the country to guarantee and improve the quality of higher education against the backdrop of its rapid development. After the end of the “Cultural Revolution” in China, great socio-political, economic and cultural changes require both the adequate transformation of higher education and the assessment of its quality. Until today, a complete uniform system for assessing the activities of higher education institutions to ensure and constantly improve the quality of higher education has not been formed in China. The paper summarizes the main reasons for the necessity of reforming the system of assessment of higher education institutions performance in new social conditions of China and describes the process of development and improvement of this system in the context of the development of higher education in China. The author analyzes the functions and technologies of various evaluation mechanisms in this system, such as accreditation, assessment of accredited specialties for training in higher education institutions, assessment of the universities’ educational activity on baccalaureate, licensing, universities’ self-assessment and independent professional public assessment. Using the specific examples, the author notes the process of implementation and optimization of the abovementioned evaluation tools, points out their functional and methodological weaknesses as well as the non-systemic and uncoordinated interaction. Based on the results of the work on the assessment of the universities’ activity in China and considering the strategic priorities of the development of education in 2010–2020, the trends in the development of evaluation system of Chinese universities are shown to enhance the effectiveness of this system and to ensure the quality of higher education in the country.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Psychological sciences


Vinogradova G.A., Nikitina N.R., Bobkova T.S.


The paper covers the consideration of the issues of family conflicts such as the identification of a number of reasons causing the dissatisfaction of married couples with family relations. At the current stage of social and economic development of Russia, it is very important to save both the traditional family values and family integrity that is the essential part of a human world responding to various changes taking place within the social life, economy, politics, and moral state of the society. The authors specify basic predictive parameters, which give the ability to examine a family and build the vector for further counseling and family relations correction: the most conflictive spheres of family relations, the degree of agreement (disagreement) in conflict situations, conflict intensity in a couple. The state of a modern family is characterized by the transformation of family roles, which often leads to the conflicts. The authors pay special attention to the manifestation of agreement or disagreement in the situations of family conflict characterizing the passivity or activity of gender-role behavior of married partners when expressing personal attitude to the circumstances. Using the results of the study, it is determined that families with different conflict intensity are characterized by the contradictory areas of disagreement and disputes. The paper specifies the distinctive features of conflictogenic areas of the matrimonial relationship between men and women. The obtained data identify some reasons of poor matrimonial relationship: financial disagreements; jealousy manifestation; domination of one of the married partners; disagreements in the sphere of communication with relatives and friends; dissatisfaction of need for positive emotions, mutual assistance, and cooperation; various needs for recreation and leisure.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):25-30
pages 25-30 views


Vinogradova G.A., Ovnikyan M.V.


The problem of the study is relevant as the professional identity reflects a human’s whole picture of one’s own belonging to the professional group or community. Let us note that such a picture, in particular, is accompanied by the specific values, motivation and, the most important, by the acceptance or non-acceptance of one’s own profession. The professional identity is interpreted as the professional development that takes place at the high level of learning a profession and is one of the fundamental mechanisms of a person’s development. Thus, the study of professional identity of the students-psychologists and graduates-psychologists will allow solving professional issues associated with the practical activity implementation.        

The paper considers the differences in the content of professional identity between the groups of students-psychologists and graduates-psychologists. The author analyzes the professional identity and the assessment of the resulting quality of life or the satisfaction with self-fulfillment, as well as the position of the attitude of tested to the profession taken or to be taken according to the idea about the significant differences in the content of professional identity between the groups of students-psychologists and graduates-psychologists. The peculiarities and characteristics of professional identity of tested as well as the actual and ideal professional self-image are studied.    

Obtained data allow concluding about the fact that there are significant differences in the content of professional identity between the groups of students-psychologists and graduates-psychologists. The study allowed identifying the position of the attitude of tested to the profession taken as well as the peculiarities of professional identity at different stages of person’s professional becoming. It is proved that the position of active attitude to the profession taken dominates at the graduates-psychologists.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):31-37
pages 31-37 views


Vjyunova N.I., Plotnikova V.Y., Purtova S.I.


The study of the problem of emotional stability of a future educational psychologist’s personality is relevant due to the number of reasons: the insufficiency of knowledge, the need for professionals with emotional stability and capacity for its development. The emotional stability as an integrative property of an individual is important for educational psychologists. The emotional stability of an individual still is not clearly defined and there is no general understanding of the structure, criteria, mechanisms, and conditions of development.

This paper presents the brief analysis of the psychological study of the emotional stability; its components, criteria, indicators and their correlation, as well as the results of empirical research aimed at the study of the manifestations of specific characteristics of emotional stability.

Any personal characteristic affecting the emotional sphere can be a continuum; from the lowest level to the highest, from negative to positive. The criteria and indicators highlighted in the paper are considered within the indicated continuum: motivational criterion (low motivation – high motivation); cognitive criterion (knowledge completeness – deficient knowledge and lack of system); emotional criterion (emotional passivity – emotional excitement); volitional criterion (feeling of helplessness, lack of skills of self-control – overconfidence, self-control); communication criteria (communicative passivity – communicative aggressiveness). In the result of the empirical study, the authors identified three differentiated groups of students – future educational psychologists according to the domination of the development of one, two, or three criteria. In the “dominance of one criterion” group, the dominance of communicative criterion (18.58 %) is most often observed; in the “dominance of two criteria” group, the predominance of volitional and emotional criteria (7.08 %) is most often represented; in the “dominance of three criteria” group, the combination of communicative, emotional and volitional criteria (1.77 %) is represented.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):38-42
pages 38-42 views


Denisova E.A., Tkachenko I.M.


The paper considers the main features of social and psychological adaptation of young orphans on the example of boarding schools on the territory of Togliatti urban district of Samara region.

The authors of the paper carried out the theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign psychological studies on the issue of adaptation. According to the modern researchers, the process of adaptation of boarding school inmates is complicated in view of the fact that special aspects of life in a boarding school differ greatly from the conditions of free living environment. These children have complicated skills of constructive communication with others; the contacts are characterized by the superficialism and haste that, in their turn, are the additional stressors. Moreover, such living conditions form the dependency personal attitude of inmates. One of the ways out of this situation is the so-called “social hotels” that are in great popularity.

The paper presents primary results of a psychodiagnostic study of personal adaptive potential including the ability to regulate one’s behavior (behavioral regulation), communicative potential and moral normativity of residential institutions inmates. Therefore, most of residential institutions inmates have the low level of adaptive abilities development, which is formed by special conditions of the social situation of development and is manifested in the low ability and willingness of orphans to adapt to social changes and change one’s behavior and attitudes. However, the orphans with the sufficient level of adaptability have higher rates of behavioral regulation and moral normativity, while the orphans with the low level of adaptability have difficulties in regulating their behavior when interacting with the environment (statistically significant differences are determined).

The purpose of the paper is to introduce for discussion the results of the study of special aspects of social and psychological adaptation of residential institutions inmates.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):43-48
pages 43-48 views


Karina O.V.


Currently, the conditions for the inclusion of people with disabilities to the social and educational environment are created in the society but there are some difficulties with their implementation. Despite the fact that the current social policy introduces actively the inclusive education to the social interaction, young people are not ready to join actively in the inclusive environment and to accept emotionally positively their peers with disabilities. The information support of inclusive education does not give the possibility to know the specificity of the problems of people with disabilities, and, accordingly, other people are ill-informed about the importance of involvement of people with disabilities in the participation interaction.

The study covers the problem of social attitudes of modern youth in respect of people with disabilities, the degree of readiness of young people to the participation interaction. The paper presents the author’s own questionnaire “The readiness of young people to the participation interaction with people with disabilities”. The author identifies the positive participation readiness of young people in respect of people with disabilities, describes the dominant mental states manifested by young people in the process of contacting with people with disabilities. The psychological barriers to participation readiness of young people in respect of people with disabilities are specified.

The author makes an assumption that, in order young people can translate their readiness to the participation interaction both on the cognitive and behavioral level, it is necessary, using the trainings, to simulate purposefully the situations of participation interaction with people with disabilities.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):49-53
pages 49-53 views


Kulagina I.V.


The psychological phenomena of adaptation and self-fulfillment are popular enough subjects of psychological investigations. They are considered congenial and integral elements of a personality reality. However, the questions if any of these processes is the leading one, if they are opposed to each other, or, just the contrary, coexist remain undiscovered. The necessity to expand and deepen the theoretical ideas and empirical data about the interrelations between the psychological adaptation and self-fulfillment of a personality caused the author’s interest in this topic. Considering the stadiality of the issues under the study, the author selected the adolescent age as the changes in the organizational, educational and everyday conditions activates the adaptation mechanisms, which results in their more distinct manifestation. According to the self-fulfillment phasing, the stage of self-fulfillment as the activity implementation of cognitive possibilities and potencies starts exactly during this age period. Using the experimental sample, the author carried out the psychodiagnostic analysis with the application of the techniques aimed at the study of adaptation and self-fulfillment of the students. The statistically processed results allowed adequate distributing of the respondents into three groups according to the determined level of psychological adaptation. Subsequently, the specific peculiarities of self-fulfillment were detected within these groups that were consistent with the corresponding level of adaptedness as the intermediate result of psychological adaptation to the changing conditions. Using the factor analysis, the author determined the special aspects of self-fulfillment in the groups of first-year students with the low, middle and high level of psychological adaptation. It is discovered that special aspects of self-fulfillment in the group of students with high level of psychological adaptation are most approximated to its theoretical model described in the research and methodological literature. Therefore, the results of organized empirical research allowed proving the hypothesis about the interrelation of the phenomena of psychological adaptation and self-fulfillment of a personality and determining the special aspects of self-fulfillment of the students with different levels of psychological adaptation.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):54-58
pages 54-58 views


Perminova I.V.


In view of the tendency for the decline of marriage and family, the interest in the problem of love within the relations between a man and a woman raises. The paper analyzes R. Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. According to this theory, there are three components of love – intimacy, passion, commitment. The paper presents the results of the study of the perception of love, styles, and components of love of married couples. The results of empirical study of perception of love by young people at the age of 20 to 40 are identified by the incomplete-sentence test. All respondents’ judgments about love are grouped in four basic blocks with separate subsections and generalized constructs reflecting in aggregate the respondents’     perceptions of love. The influence of a number of constructs on the styles and components of love is shown. The author detected negative influence of the “negative attitude to love” construct on the “eros” love type. “Loyalty”, “serving” and “happiness” constructs influence negatively the “ludus” love style. “Belief and love” and “love as sex and passion” constructs influence negatively the “storge” love style. “Happiness” construct influences positively the “agape” love style. “Happiness” construct influences positively all three components of love as well. “Reciprocity” construct influences positively the relationship component of love. “Serving” construct influences positively the passion component of love. “Negative attitude to love” construct influences negatively all three components of love.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):59-66
pages 59-66 views


Sheina T.E.


At the present stage of development of the higher education system, the issue of time aspects of a personality formation becomes actual. It is caused by changing conditions of personal and occupational development of a person through the potential fulfillment at the higher education institution. The possibility of using own experience from the past to create perfect future comes true in present. The ability for adaptation within changing conditions of the environment, self-awareness and emotional comfort and, as a consequence, the ability to achieve goals and plans that is especially important for the future specialist’s personal fulfillment, depends on the ability to synchronize various time loci.

The paper considers the interrelation between the time perspective of a personality and the social and psychological adaptation of the university students. The goal of the research is to identify the influence of various types of time perspective on the adaptation potential of the university students and the relation between the types of time perspective of the university students and their emotional state and ability to interact adequately with the social environment. The students of Socio-Psychological Institute and Institute of Fundamental Sciences of Kemerovo State University were selected as the respondents. Using the cluster analysis, two groups were identified: the students with the indicators more consistent with the accepted criteria of a balanced time perspective (the first group), and the students with polar values of these indicators (the second group). The first group of students demonstrates the high indicators of social and psychological adaptation contributing to setting and achieving goals in the future. The second group of students demonstrates the significantly lower adaptation characteristics manifested in the negative perception of other people and in presence of emotional discomfort.

Science Vector of Togliatti State University. Series: Pedagogy, Psychology. 2018;(1):67-72
pages 67-72 views

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