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The paper focuses on the historical and pedagogical analysis of setting up and development of the Karasubazar girls’ gymnasium in the Simferopol district of the Tauride province at the beginning of the 20th century. The analysis reveals that particular amounts of funds from the Treasury, the city government, and the Jewish community were annually allocated for the maintenance of the Karasubazar gymnasium for girls, and its budget was replenished by tuition fees, the amount of which changed annually. A significant contribution to the economic and financial support of the gymnasium was made by the board of trustees. The retrospective analysis makes it possible to assert that at that time the gymnasium structurally consisted of recreational and gymnastic halls, rooms for preparatory classes and practical classes for the 8th-grade students, the main library, a physical laboratory and a classroom for natural sciences and teaching aids. The research revealed that the number of students in the gymnasium was constantly growing, and a great number of the schoolgirls were from the families of bourgeois, peasants, noblemen, administrative officials, and merchants, as a rule, of the Orthodox religion. The gymnasium provided classical education, including Russian language and Literature, Mathematics, Pedagogy, History, Geography, Natural History, Physics, Cosmography, calligraphy, needlework, drawing, singing, music and dance, gymnastics and hygiene. The leading role was given to teaching French and German. It is essential the gymnasium authorities were involved in the development of rules for extracurricular supervision – they were concerned not only about the education of the girls but also about the way they behave outside. The study found that the Karasubazar gymnasium for girls provided general education and the opportunity to work as teachers in district colleges and primary schools after graduation, prepared its students to enter universities, raised individuals with cultural awareness. It strove to set up and maintain the traditions of upbringing and education.

About the authors

A. A. Shelyagova

State Crimean University of Culture, Arts and Tourism

Author for correspondence.
Email: shelyagova-anna@yandex.ru

PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair of Philosophy, Cultural Studies and Humanities

Russian Federation


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