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One of the most important tasks in psychology and education is improving mental health among students. The main problems typical for the period of the studentship are frequent occurrence of stress situations caused by the increase in study load, deadaptation through separation from the family and old friends, changes in sleep schedule, and the negative consequences of crises experiences in the form of personal deadaptation such as dismissal, psychosomatic illness, including suicide attempts. Nowadays, a comprehensive program of crisis intervention has not been developed yet, and the question that has to be answered is how to provide psychological assistance to students in crisis. The author indicates that to develop this program it is necessary to clarify the content of the crisis emotional experiences. The paper presents the analysis of the content of emotional experience through identification of the factors which are essential parts of the “crisis of the firs-year student”.

The study involved 224 first-year students of the city of Novosibirsk with the average age of 18,3±1,1 years. As a method of research, the V.R. Manukyan’s questionnaire of crisis experiences was chosen, which allows studying the structure and content of the students’ emotional experience. Statistical analysis was performed by means of the program SPSS Statistics 17.0 for PCs. To study the content of emotional experiences in crisis situations the author used the factor analysis based on the method of the principal component rotation.

The results of the study allow us to distinguish four key factors, such as the overall crisis state, assessment of the chosen specialty, challenges of adaptation to educational activity, lack of social support. The paper analyzes the qualitative content of the given factors. The author mentions the complexity and diversity of the “crisis of the first-year student” which consists of the combination of several types of crises: biography, identity and achieving adulthood. The obtained results point to the need to develop a comprehensive program for psychological support of students that should take into account the content of the “crisis of the first-year student”.

About the authors

Irina Alexandrovna Kurus

Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chair of psychology and pedagogy

Russian Federation


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