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The issue of the spiritual and ethical aspect of a personality turns out to be one of the most important and is caused, first of all, by massive and global changes in the Russian society in common and of each person in particular. This work studies and analyzes peculiarities of spiritual and ethical self-awareness of teachers. The significance of the topic is closely connected with dynamic changes of the Russian educational system, which leads to the changes in the system of perception and self-awareness of all the entities of the educational process: students, their parents, and teachers. The authors use I.V. Ezhov’s methodology of the personality spiritual and ethical self-awareness research in their work. The sample involved 61 teachers working at secondary schools of Togliatti. The paper reveals psychological peculiarities of spiritual and ethical self-awareness of the teacher personality, such as responsibility, purposefulness, empathy, spiritual and ethical focusing in their activity and interaction with other people, low level of self-confidence and self-reliance, external determination of their personal and professional development. The authors specify and analyze each component of teachers’ spiritual and ethical self-awareness: cognitive-ontological, motivational-value, relation-behavioral, and self-esteem. Moreover, the types of teachers’ self-awareness are characterized based on the dominating idea of the subjective “I”: ego-pragmatic self-awareness, spiritual self-awareness of the personality, and religious self-awareness of the personality. The teachers participating in this research have demonstrated spiritual self-awareness of the personality as the dominating type of spiritual and ethical self-awareness. Ego-pragmatic self-awareness is represented to a less extent. The analysis of the age peculiarities of teachers’ spiritual and ethical self-awareness allowed the authors to reveal the changes in components of the personality spiritual and ethical self-awareness depending on the age and professional experience.

About the authors

Sergey Ivanovich Kudinov

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow


Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), professor of Chair “Social and differential psychology”

Russian Federation

Sofya Sergeyevna Belousova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chair “Social and differential psychology”

Russian Federation


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