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This paper covers the study of such phenomenon of modern education as the supporting educational environment. The authors give the definitions of the concepts of “educational environment”, “supporting educational environment” and attempt to determine these concepts. In the paper, the authors carry out the review of native pedagogical literature related to the study of this problem and outline the scope of scientific issues within which the study of supporting educational environment is being carried out. The paper highlights the quality key parameters that characterize the supporting educational environment: the modality, the width, the awareness, the intensity and the generality. The authors consider characteristics of the supporting educational environment, the purpose of its creation and its mission, which is firstly the improvement of the quality of post-degree pedagogical education of teachers and the formation of such personality attribute of a teacher as the andragogical subjectivity. Among the organizational characteristics of the supporting educational environment, the authors highlight the technologies of teaching adults created on the andragogical model of teaching where the leading role is given to an adult student as the organizer of his/her learning in the situation of occupational study, and suggest the description of such modern technologies as the technologies of story-telling, dialectic education and positional education. The paper outlines the significance of certain positions of participants of the supporting educational environment of the Institute of development of education: the andragogical position of teachers and andragogical position of teachers-students that depends on the efficiency of the educational process quality. The authors say that the andragogical position of a teacher is in his/her involvement in support of teachers-students’ education, and the position of a teacher-student is characterized by his/her active part and teacher’s independent behavior within the educational activity. The paper proves the role of supporting educational environment in the quality improvement of post-degree pedagogical education.

About the authors

Svetlana Anatolievna Pilyugina

Saratov Regional Institute of Development of Education, Saratov

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair “Theory and methods of teaching and education”

Russian Federation

Nataliya Grigorievna Chanilova

Saratov Regional Institute of Development of Education, Saratov


PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Head of Chair “Theory and methods of teaching and education”

Russian Federation

Irina Anatolievna Ushakova

Saratov Regional Institute of Development of Education, Saratov


senior lecturer of Chair “Theory and methods of teaching and education”

Russian Federation


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