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Rapid development of the society in social, economic and political spheres causes an urgent need for quality training of specialists in psychology and pedagogy. Contemporary system of professional education faces an uneasy task to shorten the gap between the professional competences required for the specialists in psychology and pedagogy and the existing system of the university education. Russian Ministry of Labor and Social Protection ratified “Pedagogue-psychologist” professional standard on June 24, 2015. From January 1, 2017, the standard will become a key document for the personnel policies formation, HR management, education management, personnel certification, conclusion of employment contracts, writing job descriptions, and establishing pay systems.

In this context, the paper focuses on the problem of preparedness of future specialists in psychology and pedagogy for corrective and developing activities under “Pedagogue-Psychologist” professional standard. The study has found that students are aware of “Pedagogue-Psychologist” professional standard, but the level of their expertise does not meet the standard requirements. The purpose of the research was not only to study the opinion of the respondent (students) about their preparedness to apply their skills to the professional activity but also to study the opinion of the experts (teachers) regarding preparedness of future graduates for their professional activity.

The study made it possible to identify and describe the organizational and pedagogical conditions, such as interdisciplinary integration of professional and special disciplines, modeling professional activities for the undergraduates with psycho-pedagogical education major, practicing these activities in classes and during professional training, and professional development formation based on social partnership.

Successful implementation of these conditions contributes to the formation of professional activities within corrective and developing work of future psychologists and social pedagogues.

About the authors

Oksana Alekseevna Znaemskaya

Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, Blagoveshchensk

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student, Vice Director for Academic and Educational Affairs of Lyceum

Russian Federation


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