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The paper discusses one of the important activities of preschool educational organization – interaction with families aimed at forming children’s family identity. The importance of the family is emphasized as of an institution for the socialization of a preschool child. Difficulties which the teaching staff is facing in the course of interaction with the family are mentioned. They are the following: parents’ misunderstanding of their role in children’s education and development of their personality, insufficient skills in applying methods and techniques in the formation of the child’ family identity. The paper lists the principles (regularity, consistency, activity, and collaboration), discloses stages of the educator's work with families, which first of all involve the inclusion of cognitive and then the action component. It is noted that the first stage is aimed at the formation of parents’ awareness of their importance in the education of children, as well as awareness of the need to form family identity in their children. The second stage focuses on mastering the ways parents interact with children in the family environment. And the third stage involves expanding this experience. The author lists the methods and forms of work with parents at every stage in order to engage the parents into the formation of children’s family identity. The paper particularly focuses on the relevance of the use of remote forms of interaction between educators and the families of children, such as webinars, educators’ websites and blogs, various forums. These forms are considered modern. The paper also indicates these forms of interaction between educators and parents as innovative and not widely used so far. The question is raised about the necessity of proficiency enhancement of educators working at preschool educational institutions on the issues of interaction with families.

About the authors

Daria Dmitrievna Bulanova

Togliatti state University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

post-graduate student of chair “Preschool pedagogy and psychology”

Russian Federation


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