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This paper considers the results of the experimental proof of the efficiency of formation of translator’s professional competence within the “Automotive industry” subject area by the students-linguists on the thesaurus basis. The author describes the pattern of formation of future linguists’ translator’s professional competence that includes: a) teaching French-Russian automotive thesaurus; b) study guides on technical translation from French language into Russian; c) work program of practical course on technical translation from French language and the translator’s professional competence itself that is considered as the spectrum of general cultural and key professional competences, which include, firstly, the block of communicative competence with its components: linguistic, discursive and socio-cultural competences, and secondly, the block of translator’s competences, which includes the text-formative, technical and information-technology competence. The paper gives the statistical results of the experimental proof of the effectiveness of thesaurus approach application while forming the translator’s professional competence by future linguists within the automotive industry subject area and presents data of three-year pedagogical experiment, in which the students-future translators took part. The results of two selected subsets are considered: the first is the experimental one consisting of three subgroups of students (30 people) and the second is the control one, also consisting of three subgroups (30 people). Special attention is paid to the control of the process of formation of the translator’s professional competence that was carried out on the basis of specially developed pedagogical experiment course. The author determined the level of formedness of the translator’s professional competence of the students-linguists initially at the ascertaining stage (first control assessment), then at the forming, or finishing stage (second control assessment). The assessment was carried out in two stages taking into account ten parameters: pre-translational analysis was assessed in oral form according to five parameters, and the translation itself was assessed in written form according to five parameters as well. At the final stage of the experimental study, the control assessment in the form of the final examination (written translation) was carried out. The experimental results showed the definite effectiveness of implementation of developed thesaurus technology.

About the authors

Olga Yurievna Gorbunova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.
Email: ole4ka@hotmail.fr

senior lecturer of Chair “Theory and practice of translation”

Russian Federation


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