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The relevance of this theoretical research is related to the reform of Federal state educational standard of basic general education where the requirements applicable to the organization of extracurricular activity at school are updated. The extracurricular activity is the constituent part of the educational process and promotes the development and socialization of a schoolchild personality.

The paper considers the essence and the content of the extracurricular activity as well as its organization at school in various time periods: Soviet period (1950–1990), post-Soviet period (1990–2010) and present time. The author describes the forms and principles of organization of extracurricular activity at these historic periods.

The author notes the influence of the education reforming on the content and development of extracurricular activity, gives the definition to the concepts of “out-of-school activities”, “out-of-school work” and “extracurricular work”, and describes their main functions and the role in the educational-bringing-up process of a school. The paper presents special aspects and general principles of the out-of-school work and mentions that, in the post-Soviet period, the education system faced a number of issues that did not promote the development of the out-of-school work in the educational institutions. The author considers the organization of out-of-school activity at present time according to FSES, describes its goals, objectives, directions, and forms. 

The analysis of conceptual and content-related matter of extracurricular activity in various time periods allowed making the conclusion on the necessity to distinguish the concepts of “out-of-school activities”, “out-of-school work” and “extracurricular work”, specifying the content of the concept of “extracurricular activity” at present time, proving the necessity of its organization and development at school.

About the authors

Tatiana Sergeevna Pchelintseva

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.
Email: ts.pchelinceva@yandex.ru

postgraduate student of Chair “Preschool pedagogics and psychology”

Russian Federation


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