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The paper studies the special aspects of implementation of the key words method in preparing high school students for BSE and USE in humanitarian subjects, such as Russian, English and Social Studies. The importance of this research is specified by the fact that through implementation of this method, a significant result is achieved – that is personal academic performance based on meta-subject and interdisciplinary links. The goal of the paper is to reveal the sequence of actions in the process of implementation of the key words method in preparing high school students for successful passing the state final certification.

The authors suggest using the key words method in preparation of high school students to write compositions and discourse essays, and show the scheme of work with a text-stimulus or a quote. This method involves highlighting key words and concepts in a given text or utterance, finding a line of contextual synonyms and antonymous pairs. The stages of work described in the paper help to reveal a conflict hidden in the text or a quotation, formulate the problem, find a link between a particular task and a general topic, paraphrase the original message and build a subsequent reasoning system.

Implementation of the key words method in preparation for final sate certification in humanitarian disciplines based on meta-subject and interdisciplinary links expands the cognitive and communicative skills of high school students, ensures the development and improvement of the basic competencies as well as learning interdisciplinary concepts.

About the authors

Evgenia Fedorovna Kositsyna

Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering, Moscow

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair “General Humanitarian and Social Disciplines”

Russian Federation

Yulia Aleksandrovna Mamaeva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow


PhD (History), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair “General Politology”

Russian Federation

Mikhail Petrovich Chernovol

Ivan Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets


PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of the foreign languages and methodology of teaching

Russian Federation


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