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The relevance of the research presented in the paper is caused by the fact that the issue of joint activities is not a new one in the psychological science, the debate about its structural elements continues to this day. The authors considered the works of Russian and foreign researchers on joint activities in the process of solving tasks and showed the characteristic features of the joint activities participants in the process of solving tasks. The authors draw the attention to the fact that the researchers often ignore the definition of the concept of “task” and the description is reduced to the problem situation. The consideration of the joint activities in the context of tasks solving is not unimportant. Let us note, that the tasks faced by the employees of the organization, can be of different nature and content, which involves the participation of various experts when solving each new issue. In this regard, the issue of the organization of effective interaction between the organization’s employees so that every task was solved efficiently and as soon as possible becomes relevant. Under the condition of the high level of professional knowledge, this index will be affected by the set of personal characteristics of each participant of the interaction in the process of solving a task.

The paper describes the theoretical model of joint activities, as well as the results of factor analysis, which allowed empirical validation of the theoretical model. The authors emphasized the types of joint activities in the process of solving a task: joint activities themselves, cooperation and cooperative interaction. Each type of joint activity is given a comprehensive description basing on the following parameters: the interaction time, the degree of coherence, and the objectives achievement. The authors considered the components of the process of joint activities when solving a task typical for each its type: cognitive, personal, behavioral. The cognitive component includes the intelligence and the creativity. The structural elements of the personal component are the personality orientation and its motivation. The group component is represented by the group roles, special aspects of communication between the participants of the interaction and the willingness to cooperate.

About the authors

Nina Aleksandrovna Aflyatunova

Bashkir M. Akmulla State Pedagogical University, Ufa

Author for correspondence.

assistant of Chair of applied psychology and deviance study

Russian Federation

Viktor Valerievich Kurunov

Bashkir M. Akmulla State Pedagogical University, Ufa


PhD (Psychology), Dean of Psychology Faculty, assistant professor of Chair of applied psychology and deviance study

Russian Federation


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