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The intellectual and psychomotor development of children using the physical culture aids is the critical task of recent decades facing parents, teaching employees and medical professionals. Autokinetic movements and actions are assured by the work of specific brain structures and are numbered among the advanced mental functions of a man. The extension of motoric repertoire forms the prerequisites for the acquisition of spatial orientation, visuomotor and auditory attention, memory and the correction of tonus-strength balance of muscles. The efferent systems the cortical parts of which form the sensorimotor zone of cerebral cortex belong to the actuating mechanisms of autokinetic movements and actions. The paper considers the basic level of motor development and its influence on the formation of superior psychical functions of children and gives the characteristic of the concept of “proprioceptive dysfunction”.

During the scientific methodological analysis, the authors gathered the material proving that physical activity is the basis for current and future health, physical and psychical development of a child.

The novelty of the work is in the considering the regulation and control of motor sphere of the preschool and primary school age children on the basis of individual peculiarities of the functioning of central nervous system.

The understanding of the importance of sensorimotor development will allow specialists in the sphere of physical culture to develop the system of correction-educational measures promoting motor, cognitive, psychical and physical development of schoolchildren.

About the authors

Oksana Viktorovna Pokrina

Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Malakhovka


PhD (Pedagogy), senior lecturer of Chair “Adapted physical education and sports medicine”

Russian Federation

Kirill Romanovich Pershin

Moscow State Academy of Physical Education, Malakhovka

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chair “Adapted physical education and sports medicine”

Russian Federation


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