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The paper studies the issue of language learning in terms of the educational process which takes place in a qualitatively new environment characterized by the active introduction and use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Continuous monitoring of the quality of the learning process and progress is particularly vital in terms of the renovation of educational content, growing problems of availability of educational material and organization of feedback. The author defines essential requirements to modern electronic means of education, such as manageability, availability, feedback, automated monitoring of progress, current methodological support, etc. The emphasis is placed on the methodological aspects of the automated control in the form of testing in learning a foreign language by means of distance learning technologies. Methodological recommendations are given to carry out consecutive testing. Different tests are characterized, such as: Placement Test, Achievement Tests, Progress Achievement Tests, Final Achievement Test. The issue of different level training is taken into account. The paper studies the issue of selecting educational material in language, speech, and culture, as well as organization of the feedback through electronic educational means. The content of monitoring and testing materials contained in the electronic means of educational purpose is determined to improve all kinds of speech activity. Recommendations are given how to organize effective feedback and unsupervised activities to succeed in a multicultural and multilingual community. The role of a teacher in distant learning technologies is specified. Monitoring of the education quality is the most important condition for the efficient management of the educational system and improvement of the teaching and learning processes.

About the authors

Elena Vladimirovna Smirnova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair “Theory and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures”

Russian Federation


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