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The paper reveals the approach to implementation of psychological and educational support of the emotional development of preschool children in the game. The interest in this issue is caused by the task set in the fundamental regulations of preschool education to focus on emotional development of children and secure emotional well-being of each of the nursery-school children at preschool educational institution, and as a result, find the solutions to the problem aimed at age-specific values of preschool children and consistent with the principles of personal-oriented education.

Based on the key benchmarks of preschool education related to personalization of the educational process, the appropriateness is grounded to study further the problem of emotional development of preschool children from the perspective of psychological and educational support. The author considers the opportunities for support model in solving the problems of emotional development of preschool children in the game.

The paper reveals the concept of “psychological and educational support of the emotional development of preschoolers”. Based on the analysis of psychological and educational research, software and teaching materials for the current issue, objective grounds are defined for support of the emotional development of children in the game. The paper describes the basic aspects of support activity to develop children's emotions in the game that result in the ability to detect both existing emotional experience of children and its transformation (development and correction). Defining the psychological and educational support as the activity aimed at creation of new emotions of preschool children and support of emotional well-being, the author identifies the ways of psychological and educational support of emotional development of children in the game, reveals the functions of teacher’s support activity that stimulate the foreseen changes in the emotional sphere of preschool children in the game.

The approach to the organization of psychological and educational support of emotional development of children in the game is an attempt to resolve the contradiction between the need to stimulate the emergence of the expected changes in the emotional sphere, and the need to maintain the free nature of the game that gives the children an opportunity for self-expression and self-exploration of their emotional experience.

About the authors

Tatyana Valerievna Grebenshchikova

Novokuznetsk Institute (affiliate) of Kemerovo State University, Novokuznetsk

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), assistant professor of Chair “General and preschool pedagogy and psychology”

Russian Federation


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