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The relevance of the study is caused by the high social significance of psychological state of employees of PJSC “AVTOVAZ”, the leading enterprise of Russian automotive industry, in the context of the socioeconomic crisis. The authors attempt to find out whether there is the interrelation between the life satisfaction and time perspective of the company’s employees. Time perspective shows the system of attitudes of a person to the continuum. The paper considers briefly the concept of “life satisfaction” from the perspective of psychological and sociological knowledge. The authors review the identical concepts. One of them is the “subjective well-being” that is included into the study as the control parameter.         

Sixty-four employees of PJSC “AVTOVAZ” – men at the ages from 23 to 54 – participated in the study. Assuming that, according to the authors’ opinion, life satisfaction and time perspective, depending on the age, will have their peculiarities, the sample group was divided into four age groups. The age range of the first group is 23–29 years, the second – 30–39 years, the third – 40–49 years, and the fourth – 50–54 years.   

The data obtained show different significance and strength of interrelation of various factors of life satisfaction, subjective well-being, and time perspective of different age groups of the company’s employees. At the same time, it is possible to state that time perspective being rather narrowed still stays balanced, and the evaluation of subjective well-being is totally at the equal medium level within all age groups.  

About the authors

Galina Aleksandrovna Vinogradova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, professor of Chair “Theoretical and applied psychology”

Russian Federation

Anastasiya Germanovna Artemenko

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


graduate student of Chair “Theoretical and applied psychology”

Russian Federation


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