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The applicability of new technologies in teaching the Russian language to the foreign students is caused by the changes in labor market and the modernization processes in medical education. Currently, the demand for skilled medical professionals able to be well-informed about the rapidly changing social and economic processes increases. This causes the necessity to apply actively the information technologies allowing developing, changing and comparing various learning and scientific methodological materials very quickly. The author described the applicability of the electronic textbook while teaching the Russian language to the medical students-foreigners. Due to the innovation technologies, it became possible for foreign medical students not only to learn the Russian language from the point of view of spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and stylistics but also to know and apply Russian medical terminology in communicative situations. Such synthesis allows foreign students both to absorb the professional knowledge and to master successfully the language of their professional field. Based on the definition of the concept of “electronic textbook” and on the example of the electronic textbook developed by the lecturers of Kazakh National Medical University, the author considers some types of work to master phonetic skills of foreign medical students. To master phonetic skills, the textbook authors suggest the traditional forms of learning of “Listen and repeat after the speaker”, “Read”, and “Follow the intonation. Repeat after the speaker. Read” types. Together with such tasks, the crosswords solving, “Spell a word” task-game, and phonetic dictation are used. The comparing analysis of data among the experimental and control groups proves the positive result while mastering the phonetic skills of those students who had the possibility to use the electronic textbook. The described experiment proves the importance of development of the electronic technologies and their application during the study as the necessary means to improve the level of Russian language knowledge of foreign students. 

About the authors

Annel Tleumagambetovna Baktybaeva

S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, Almaty

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@kaznmu.kz

PhD (Philology), Associated Professor, assistant professor of Chair “Russian language and professional Russian language with Latin course”



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