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The relevance of the study of the emotional state of the students during examination period is determined by the peculiarities of psychic tension, the excess of the threshold value of which influences destructively the psyche, causes anxiety, fatigue, hypersusceptibility and irritation, self-dissatisfaction, and negative self-feelings. The goal of the research is the determining of the relationship between the self-assessments of the students’ emotional states during examination period with their emotional intelligence. The main actions to achieve the goal were to carry out a summative experiment using the selected group of college students. The author used N. Hall’s test “The Emotional Intelligence Self-Evaluation”, H. Eysenck’s test “Self-assessment of Mental State”, A. Wessman and D. Ricks’s Test for Self-assessment of the Emotional State, Spearman’s Rank Correlation method. In the result of N. Hall’s test “The Emotional Intelligence Self-Evaluation”, mainly low self-esteems according to all five emotional intelligence scales were manifested: control of own emotions, emotion recognition, empathies, emotional awareness, and self-motivation. At the same time, in the result of H. Eysenck’s test “Self-assessment of Mental State”, the largest number of medium and high values according to the scales of aggression, rigidity, frustration, and anxiety were received. The data collected through the test for Self-assessment of the Emotional State of A. Wessmann and D. Ricks speak for the predominantly medium and low values of “tranquility/anxiety”, “self-confidence”, “vitality/fatigue”, “elation/despondency” scales. The conclusions made on the basis of these techniques are relevant to the fact that more than half of the students selected average values on the “sum of emotional states” scale. These students are characterized by the irritability, anxiety, and rigidity in the situation of the exam. The correlation relationships identified using the Spearman’s rank correlation method confirm as well the influence of emotional intelligence on the self-assessment of college students of their emotional states during the examination period.

About the authors

Valentina Ivanovna Dolgova

South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Dean

Russian Federation


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