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The problem of the study of the process of personal and professional self-development of modern specialists is now of special interest for the researchers due to the growing requirements to a professional able to improve independently and systematically his professional level. 

The paper analyzes the theoretical approaches to the problem of self-development, factors of personal and professional self-development of specialists in the socionomical sphere. The author determines the value-semantic, reflexive and regulative factors of self-development that are the basis for understanding the values of self-development and the need for self-change, and the regulation of own behavior and activity aimed at the improvement of personal and professional qualities. 

To define special aspects of personal-professional self-development, the empirical study among socionomical sphere specialists was carried out using the psycho-diagnostic and statistical methods. The results showed the existence of significant interrelations between the level of self-development and such qualities as reflection, self-regulation, self-actualization, meaningfulness of life, readiness for self-development, communicative competence. In the result of analysis of variance and factor analysis, the factors influencing the process of personal-professional self-development were determined.

Based on the results obtained, the author concludes that personal and professional self-development is determined by value-semantic factors associated with the general level of the meaningfulness of life and motivation for self-development and self-actualization and the reflexive and regulatory factors based on the desire to realize their personal and professional qualities and regulate their activities as well. Communicative competence is one of the professionally important qualities of socionomical sphere specialists affecting professional self-development and which is a tool for understanding oneself and improving their professional communicative activity.

About the authors

Zhanna Grigorievna Garanina

Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, professor of Chair of Psychology

Russian Federation


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