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Nowadays in basketball, there are players with a different profile of functional asymmetry among beginners and professional basketball players. There are different opinions on the necessity to consider asymmetries: one group of scientists believes that this makes no sense since this does not reflect in the effectiveness, but most scientists who have done a lot of studies in symmetry and asymmetry in sports believe that one can achieve higher sports results through smoothing functional asymmetry.

The purpose of this research is to analyze the rationality and effectiveness of the techniques exercised by young basketball players with dominant and non-dominant hands in conditions of competitive activity. The author experimentally tested a model for basketball technique training of young basketball players with regard to functional asymmetry. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, the percentage of ineffective technical actions performed with the dominant hand decreased equally in the control group (CG) and experimental (EG) group. Indicators of ineffective technical actions performed with the non-dominant hand are different. In the CG there is a slight decrease in inefficiency: in bouncing the ball – by 4.8 %, in passing the ball – by 8 %, in throwing the ball – by 9 %. In the EG, there is a more noticeable decrease in the ineffectiveness of technical actions performed with the non-dominant hand: in bouncing the ball – by 12 %, in passing the ball – by 12 %, in throwing the ball from under the ring – by 17.35 %.

Significant improvement of the results of technical actions performed by young basketball players with dominant and non-dominant hand show the effectiveness of implementation of the model for basketball technique training with regard to the functional asymmetry that involves the specialized set of exercises aimed at smoothing the existing functional asymmetry.

About the authors

Ivan Vladimirovich Aksarin

Yugra Prirodnadzor, Khanty-Mansiysk

Author for correspondence.

chief specialist of the analytical department at Information and Analytical Division

Russian Federation


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