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The psychological phenomena of adaptation and self-fulfillment are popular enough subjects of psychological investigations. They are considered congenial and integral elements of a personality reality. However, the questions if any of these processes is the leading one, if they are opposed to each other, or, just the contrary, coexist remain undiscovered. The necessity to expand and deepen the theoretical ideas and empirical data about the interrelations between the psychological adaptation and self-fulfillment of a personality caused the author’s interest in this topic. Considering the stadiality of the issues under the study, the author selected the adolescent age as the changes in the organizational, educational and everyday conditions activates the adaptation mechanisms, which results in their more distinct manifestation. According to the self-fulfillment phasing, the stage of self-fulfillment as the activity implementation of cognitive possibilities and potencies starts exactly during this age period. Using the experimental sample, the author carried out the psychodiagnostic analysis with the application of the techniques aimed at the study of adaptation and self-fulfillment of the students. The statistically processed results allowed adequate distributing of the respondents into three groups according to the determined level of psychological adaptation. Subsequently, the specific peculiarities of self-fulfillment were detected within these groups that were consistent with the corresponding level of adaptedness as the intermediate result of psychological adaptation to the changing conditions. Using the factor analysis, the author determined the special aspects of self-fulfillment in the groups of first-year students with the low, middle and high level of psychological adaptation. It is discovered that special aspects of self-fulfillment in the group of students with high level of psychological adaptation are most approximated to its theoretical model described in the research and methodological literature. Therefore, the results of organized empirical research allowed proving the hypothesis about the interrelation of the phenomena of psychological adaptation and self-fulfillment of a personality and determining the special aspects of self-fulfillment of the students with different levels of psychological adaptation.

About the authors

Irina Vasilievna Kulagina

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair “Theoretical and Applied Psychology”

Russian Federation


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