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The paper considers the problem of a harmonious personality of the students. The authors substantiate theoretically the content of the concept of the harmonious personality within the integral approach and determine empirically the psychological characteristics of a harmonious personality of the students. A harmonious personality is a personality with the optimally integrated inner dynamic structure, optimal conformity with the surrounding environment and with the current life activity. It has been empirically determined that the harmonious personality of the university students is represented at a low and medium levels, which is caused by the age peculiarities, the formation of the processes of the personality self-actualization and self-fulfillment. Among the predominant harmony indicators of the students, the authors identify such components as “independence”, “personality self-harmonization” and “communication constructiveness”, while the low level of manifestation has been recorded on such scales as “life self-determination”, “life self-fulfillment” and “positive self-esteem”.

The research considered both the objective indicators of integral harmony and the subjective self-awareness of harmony, as well as psychological well-being of the students’ personality. The interrelations between these versatile indicators of general harmony of the students are determined and the following conclusions are made. The students’ harmony is determined by the high level of their independence, set life goals, and by the development of the goal-setting process. Both the decrease in the locus of focus on the interpersonal relations between people and the reduction of egocentrism and isolation increase the level of the harmonious personality of the students. High indices of self-satisfaction hamper the development of students’ harmonious personality within the selected group.

When the level of the students’ harmonious personality development is not sufficiently formed, positive dynamics is observed in the changes of its indicators throughout the university years for such components as: “positive self-esteem”, “personality self-harmonization”, “personal self-determination”, and “independence”. In terms of “personal self-fulfillment” indicator, no changes are recorded in its development, and the most numerous group of students with the low development of this characteristic is registered. The results of the study identify the problem of determination of the reasons for such stagnation, as well as the conditions and approaches of psychological support of the students for the development of integrative harmony and its certain components throughout the university life.

About the authors

Irina Vladimirovna Kostakova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair “Preschool Pedagogy and Applied Psychology”

Russian Federation

Luiza Ildarovna Yafyasova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti


graduate student of Chair “Preschool Pedagogy and Applied Psychology”

Russian Federation


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