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Currently, the intimate sphere of a modern person is still understudied from the psychological point of view. The paper considers special aspects of the sexual sphere of Russian young people. Taking into account the existing data in the related areas, the authors give the results of the comparative analysis of the attitudes to sex and the family pattern and describe special characteristics of the mechanism of the interrelation between the family experience and psychosexual activity. Two groups of men and women between the ages of 20 to 25 years participated in the research. This age is critical for the development of the experience to build up the intimate relationship with the opposite sex that is related to the going through the previous experience in the parents’ family. The results of the study highlight the multifactorial character of internal convictions of men in the sexual sphere which are characterized by the greater commitment to the physics of relations. The women of this age, in the attitudes to sex, are focused on the formation of the psychological contact. In the result of statistical correlation analysis, the authors identified special aspects of gender differences in the attitudes to sex depending on the level of family adaptation, cohesion, emotional bond, family boundaries, and discipline within the parents’ family. The significance of the family system in the formation and development of sexual socialization of a person is identified. The attention is drawn to the difference in the visions of family relations of men and women of this sample what can impede the formation of mutual understanding. The authors concluded about the necessity to help a modern woman in solving the task of increasing the lability of adopted attitudes to sex, prove the importance of rendering of assistance to a modern man in the change of attitudes while implementing sexual activity under the domination of hegemonic masculinity that can be difficult to comply.  

About the authors

Pavla Aleksandrovna Korneychuk

Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok

Author for correspondence.


Russian Federation

Natalya Valerievna Khaimanova

Pacific State Medical University, Vladivostok


PhD (Medicine), senior lecturer of Chair of Clinical Psychology

Russian Federation


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