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The paper considers the system of values of an adult person in the context of his or her subjective mental well-being. Currently, the study of the problem of mental well-being of a modern person in relation to his or her system of values continues to be important. Social and economic, information technology and political changes taking place in recent times in our country significantly influenced the well-being of an individual and the formation of his or her system of values. The decrease in the quality of life and well-being of people is observed in many regions. In these conditions, people of various ages demonstrate the change of values. The study considers special characteristics of the system of values and the subjective well-being of a person from 20 to 60 years of age not distinguishing certain periods of adulthood. The empirical data showed that among social values, the professional, financial, intellectual and family values are the most important for men and women at the stage of adulthood. The demand for self-development of an adult person has the correlation relationship with the professional and intellectual values and the “active life” value-goal. On the whole, compared to men, women are more frustrated in the main spheres of their life. Such spheres of life as the relations with parents, friends, and wife (husband), with children and colleagues, are rated as successful. Such spheres as the situation in the society, workplace selection, medical services, service industry, holidaymaking, job conditions and job content, financial status are the most unsuccessful for the respondents of the city of Togliatti. High indices of the subjective well-being of a person at the stage of adulthood are demonstrated by the persons oriented to the self-development and satisfied with the relations in the family, personal and professional spheres of life.

About the authors

Tatiana Anatolievna Bergis

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.
Email: t-bergis@mail.ru

PhD (Psychology), assistant professor of Chair “Preschool Pedagogy, Applied Psychology”

Russian Federation


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