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The implementation of Federal Target Program “Russia without orphans” for 2013–2020 aimed at the reduction of social orphanhood is a serious stage in the solution of the problems of family and infant ill-being prevention, in the provision of the improved status of orphans and children without parental support in all regions of our country. However, along with the high degree of importance of solving this issue for public authorities and Russian society as a whole, in the process of this activity, a number of difficulties arise related to one of the forms of implementation of the program – the integration of orphaned children into general education schools.

The paper considers the issue of school adaptation of adolescent inmates of an orphanage in the classroom in the context of their integration into mainstream schools where they study together with children from birth families.

The author describes in detail the indicators of school adaptation and communicative characteristics of orphaned children, determine the relationship between the quality of adaptation to the conditions of schooling and the level of development of the communicative sphere of adolescents from an orphanage.

The gender specificity of the communicative characteristics of orphaned children is determined in connection with the indicators of their school adaptation.

It is specified that the most adaptive styles of communication with peers in the adolescence are the gender-specific styles allowing a teenager to organize his or her behavior in accordance with the expectations of others, to be more understandable for them. Through the prism of gender specificity of interaction, the author considers in detail the styles of communication actively used by teenagers from an orphanage in the process of establishing the relations with their classmates.

The paper presents the recommendations on the psychological and pedagogical support for the orphaned adolescents within their adaptation to the conditions of studying in the general education school.

About the authors

Elena Vladimirovna Bakhvalova

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student

Russian Federation


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