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The paper deals with the formation of computational competencies of future economists in the process of using LibreOffice Calc on the example of solving a division problem in the form of a competency-based problem. A competency-based (complex, integrated) problem is defined as a necessary component of the content of the educational material. One of the hallmarks of the competency-based tasks is the requirement of being modeled in a quasi-real-life situation, quasi-professional situation. The division problem is chosen as the object of consideration as having the named features. The authors describe the corresponding mathematical model and the method of solving problems of this type. The choice of software is determined by the fact that LibreOffice is a multiplatform distributed under the GNU LGPL public license. Thus, LibreOffice can be freely installed and used within the budgetary and commercial organizations, as well as on the home computers and in the educational institutions. Users can download (download address, install, use, and learn LibreOffice. Therefore, the use of LibreOffice gives you an opportunity of control and self-development of software solutions, the obtaining of the economic benefits from the introduction and use of the open-source software, as well as an opportunity to adapt more quickly to the conditions of practical activity. On the example of solving of a division problem with the help of LibreOffice Calc, the authors showed the formation of the students’ ability to solve a competency-based problem as the way of mastering the relevant competencies. The ability to apply mathematical methods to solve standard professional problems, to interpret the results obtained using mathematical and computer models, to work on a computer using the modern general and professional application software, providing the formation of professional computing skills become the foundation for the development of higher-level competencies.

About the authors

Anatoly Badmaevich Mantusov

B.B. Gorodovikov Kalmyk State University, Elista

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Mathematics, Informatics and Teaching Methods

Russian Federation

Zamira Badmaevna Dorzhinova

B.B. Gorodovikov Kalmyk State University, Elista


PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Foreign Languages and General linguistics

Russian Federation


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