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At the age of formation of the information-driven society, an individual should be educated in the sphere of information. The recent studies define the scientific notions characterizing a person educated in the information sphere: information culture, information literacy, information competency, computer literacy, media literacy, etc. It is obvious, that the notions under consideration are related to each other while often understood in different ways.

The paper analyzes the current publications for the interrelation of the notions in the sphere of information education and identifies similar and different opinions of the modern researchers on this issue.

The theoretical study allowed roughly dividing the publications into two groups. The first group involves the publications studying the interrelation of such concepts as “the information culture”, “the information competence”, and “the information literacy”. There are some publications reflecting the interrelation of two concepts of three. It is identified that the chain of the interrelation for the concept narrowing is formed mostly in the following way: information culture => information competence => information literacy. The paper shows examples of other opinions.     

The second group involves the publications reflecting the interrelation of the information literacy and media literacy. It is shown that the lack of agreement in the definition of the interrelation of these concepts can be observed. The concept of “information literacy” is mostly considered as the wider one than “media literacy”, or these concepts are considered in MIL formulation (media and information literacy).

The lack of agreement in the definition of the interrelation of the concepts is still observed. There are no publications covering the interrelation of four and more concepts.

About the authors

Anna Aleksandrovna Komarova

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk

Author for correspondence.

PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair of Informatics and Informatics Teaching Methods

Russian Federation


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