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The search for ways to increase the efficiency of educational and professional activities of students during the period of study at a military university remains relevant at present. The provision of optimal methods for the students’ professional competencies formation considering their personality dimensions at the shortage of study time has particular importance. The subject of the research is the special aspects of self-adjustment of cadets with different performance levels. The study aims at identifying the features of voluntary self-adjustment and personal characteristics of cadets with different academic performance levels in technical disciplines at a military university. The authors determined the theoretical approaches to the study of self-adjustment as personal property, mental state, and conditions for the successful activity. The paper includes the systematization of the ideas of the self-adjustment role in the process of educational and professional activity. The authors theoretically substantiate the necessity of considering the peculiarities of self-adjustment of cadets of a military higher education institution manifested in the subjective focus on particular phenomena. The paper presents data on the respondents, which includes ninety-one first-year cadets of Novosibirsk Military Institute. The authors substantiate the division of respondents into groups with high and low levels of academic performance. The study identified special aspects of self-control of military university cadets with different levels of academic performance manifested in the orientation of voluntary self-adjustment. The authors determined the features of voluntary self-adjustment of cadets with a high level of academic performance manifested in the presence of the pronounced perseverance in educational activities, friendliness towards fellow students, and the pronounced cognitive need; identified features of voluntary self-adjustment of cadets with a low level of academic performance manifested in the lack of self-control and critical assessment of actions, ignoring their mistakes, and the desire to dominate in interpersonal relations.

About the authors

I. S. Morozova

Kemerovo State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: ishmorozova@ya.ru

Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Head of Chair of Acmeology and Developmental Psychology, Director of the Institute of Education

Russian Federation

E. A. Pronin

General of the Army I.K. Yakovlev Novosibirsk Military Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation; Kemerovo State University

Email: pronineugenij@yandex.ru

senior lecturer of Chair of Automobiles, Armored Weapons and Equipment, graduate student

Russian Federation

M. E. Pronina

Novosibirsk State University

Email: evakotova1995@gmail.com


Russian Federation


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